Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and peace!
During the Season of Lent, we will be offering a unique learning experience for anyone "Middle School age" and "older!"
This will be a "Confirmation For All" opportunity!
Whether you have not had a "Confirmation" experience - or if you just want to re-visit the things learned - or if you have ever wondered what Confirmation is like - then this experience will be for you!!!
For those who are of Middle School or High School age, this "Confirmation For All experience" would enable one to move to be "confirmed" if they would choose.
We will explore subjects that are explored in the "questions" one is asked at the time of Confirmation. Some of the subjects we will discuss will be: "Abraham and Sarah" - "Moses" - Jesus' teachings - Jesus' death and resurrection - the "Hebrew Bible" and the "Greek / New Testament" - What about Sin (and Forgiveness)? - What about the Church?
Our "Confirmation For All" will begin on Tuesday, March 4 - @ 6:00 p.m. - in Parry Hall (and will continue on Tuesdays through April 29)
"All" are welcome!If you have questions, please contact Pastor Dave.
- Updating the Church Sign
- Operating the "Screens" for worship
- Operating the "livestream" video for worship
While these may sound a bit "intimidating" - those who volunteer will be provided a "training time" in preparation.
We are hoping to have enough people that we can "set up a rotation" of folks!
If you have questions - or are interested - please contact Pastor Dave soon!
We are seeking "participants" who would like to participate in important ministry opportunities as we move into the new year.
- Some of the pportunities include:
- Updating the Church Sign
- Operating the "Screens" for worship
- Operating the "livestream" video for worship
While these may sound a bit "intimidating" - those who volunteer will be provided a "training time" in. We are hoping to have enough people that we can "set up a rotation" of folks!
If you have questions - or are interested - please contact Pastor Dave soon!
So, Who Is Going To Win - the Eagles or the Chiefs?
That's what everyone wants to know - who is going to win the Super Bowl?
While we have no "inside information" - we are going to have a little fun AND help make a difference for people in need at the same time.
On Sunday, February 9 - we will be celebrating our "Souper Bowl of Caring!"
Our "votes" will take the form of "non-perishable food" and "monetary" donations - which will be given to the Portage Food Pantry.
In order to "choose a winner" - you are asked to "place your vote" on the table of the "specific team" - either the Eagles or the Chiefs. The totals of each food item and a total of monetary gifts will be used to determine the "winner!"
So, who is going to win the Super Bowl? - wait and see!
And who is going to win on "Souper Bowl" Sunday?
We wanted to express our thanks to those who participated in PPC's "Un-Rehearsed Christmas Program" on Christmas Eve. Thank you to all who "played a part" in this inspirational and fun experience.
Readers - Debby - Fred - Peggy Mary and Joseph - Allison and Wyatt
All of our amazing angels -wonderful animals - and awesome shepherds who made the Christmas story "come alive."
And those "behind the scenes" too!
We could not have done this - without YOU
Thank you to all who participated in any way for the Christmas Dinner. There were many days leading up to Christmas with work to be done that so many of you from PPC helped tremendously with. On Christmas day we saw volunteers from within the church and the surrounding communities pull together and make it happen!We served just over 200 meals between dine-in and delivery. There was a last minute request for River Haven to have meals delivered due to illness and we were able to meet that need. It was an exciting time being back in the Fellowship Hall and visiting with people again!
Thanks again to all of you!Sincerely,
Tara Bandekow
Sunday, Feb 2 - "Traditional" Worship Service - 10:05 a.m.
The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
We will share the "Lord's Supper" during the service.
Luke 4:21-30
Sunday, February 9 - "Traditional" Worship Service - 10:05 a.m.
The Fifth Sunday after Ephiphany
"Souper Bowl of Caring" - "vote" with non-perishable food or money gifts!
"Scout Sunday"Jeremiah 1:4-10
Sunday, February 16 - "Informal"Worship Service - 10:05 a.m.
The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Luke 5:1-11Sunday, February 23 - Traditional Worship Service - 10:05 a.m
The Seventh Sunday of Epiphany
Luke 6:17-26
Here's "another option" for "online" worship experiences!
You can go to the PPC "YouTube" Channel!Here's the "web" information -
The videos on "YouTube" are not live streamed -
they are added to the PPC YouTube Channel during the following week.
Our next meeting will be on Saturday, February 8th 9:00 a.m. - @ 1873 Grille (downtown). Come join us for breakfast and fellowship. We received thank you notes from Pregnancy Resource Center, Mary House and Special Olympics for our year end donations.Our popular Mission Chicken Soup Mix is always available for purchase on Sundays in the sanctuary, in the church office during open hours, or by contacting Glenda Day. If you've never tried it, give it a try. You won't be disappointed!
The One Heart Women's Seminar will be held at the Crystal Room within Buffalo Phil's in the Dells on February 22nd. The cost is $49 but after February 20th the cost is $60. A Ticket includes three inspiring messages, morning refreshments, and a sit-down lunch provided by Buffalo Phil’s To register and more information please visit their website and see "below."
You Are INVITED to the 30th Annual
February 22nd, 2025 9:00am – 3:00pm (doors open at 8)
Speakers For The Day ~
KATY SCHULTZ - “Well that’s not what I was planning on…” a personal testimony to encourage you through each unexpected season of life by trusting God through it all.
LISA MCCORMICK – a testimony of her faith as a parent of a sex trafficking victim/ a message to bring awareness and education to the topics of sex trafficking and drug addiction.
SUE COTTEN- will be bringing a message that will guide you forward on your life’s journey in an interactive presentation that will offer fresh encounters with familiar Bible passages to challenge, inspire, and strengthen your walk with Christ.
Visit our website for more information and advanced ticket purchases
or email us at oneheartwomensconf@gmail.comWe look forward to seeing you!
The 2025 Deacons are up and running, having elected officers and setting up a communion schedule through Easter.
In addition to their regular duties (communion, little food pantry, altar flowers and homebound folks) the Deacons are going to be looking to help purchase 1 or 2 "AED's" for our church buildings. They will be working with the Church "Safety Committee" and the Session.
AED's cost approximately $2300.00 each, not including yearly battery and maintenance. So, if you have some "spare change" laying around or you're not sure what to do with that tax refund, consider a donation for the AED's. The Deacons are looking into some fellowship and potluck activities. Stay tuned for upcoming dates.
As always - all "loose offerings" (coins and cash) - on "Communion Sundays" - will be given to the Deacons to help purchase communion supplies and the Upper Room devotionals. Again, that "loose change" is always welcome!
The next meeting of the Deacons will be on Sunday, February 16 - following worship!
Upcoming dates for "Stocking Shelves @ the Food Pantry" will be Wednesday, Februrary 19 and by the Bellmore Family on Wednesday, February 26.
We usually begin @ 4:00 p.m. Volunteers are always welcome to come and help this community resource provide a necessary program for those in need in our community. Please contact Pastor Dave if you are planning to come and help, in case there is a change in the schedule. Come and help make a difference in the community!
Just a reminder - there is a "Little Food Pantry" in front of Westminster Center. Anyone can place items in this box - and we receive donations from PPC folks as well as those from the community..Please feel free to provide dry goods and non perishables not affected by the temperature.
New Directions 4-H club is a very active group of young people from the area that meet together to share ideas, work on projects and learn great leadership skills.
The New Directions 4-H club meets @ PPC on the 3rd Sunday of each month, beginning @ 4:00 p.m.
PPC is pleased to be able to support the efforts of 4-H and the New Directions Club by offering a meeting space and support for their good work.
Jen Martens serves as the advisor for the New Directions Club.
Scout Sunday
February 9th @ 10:05 a.m.Come and celebrate the Scouts, Leaders and Scout Program here @ PPC!
"Kwik Trip" Car Wash Cards are still available!
For $36.00 / card, you will receive 5 "Ultimate" car washes (normally a cost of $50.00)
If you would like to purchase a "Kwik Trip Car Wash Card" - contact Pastor Dave.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Contact The Portage Presbyterian Church
Phone: 608-742-6006
Church Office email:
Pastor Dave email:
Facebook Page:
YouTube Channel:
It is "easy" to make a "financial" offering
for the work and ministry here @ Portage Presbyterian Church
You may choose to .... Mail it to the Church Office
or Drop it in the "mail slot"
or Use the "online giving" option on "PPC's Website"
or scan the "QR Code" which will take you to the "Online Giving" Portal
Your financial support for the work and ministry of God in and through the Portage Presbyterian Church is greatly appreciated!
Serving God and God's People
With "Energy, Intelligence, Imagination and Love"Ruling Elders / Session
Moderator - Pastor Dave Hankins
Clerk of Session - Alex HarveyJarrett Foster (2025)
Nancy Schaper (2025)
Tara Bandekow (2026)Nancy Beasley (2026)
Kathy Raimer (2026)
John Crammond (2027)Jean Oren (2027)
Moderator of Deacons - Peggy Alf-Sechtig
Secretary - Liz Bellmore
Treasurer - Joyce Meredith
Tammy Foster (2024)
Lynne Warren (2024)Peggy Alf (2025)
Joyce Meredith (2025)
Liz Bellmore (2025)Vickie Kastner (2026)
Joyce Oehlhof (2026)Alex Harvey (2027)
Debber Capener (2027)
The following is Pastor Dave's "report" for the Annual Meeting
Epiphany is not one of the "major" church holidays, like Christmas or Easter, or even like Advent. Yet, it is a "season" which offers us a unique opportunity to reflect on our journey as God's people and as God's church community. For Epiphany is a time set aside on the church's calendar to recognize the ways and the times that God was "revealed" to the world, of "God's light breaking into the world."
And so in Epiphany we are first drawn to the story of the Wise Ones who travel from the East to Bethlehem to worship the "one born King of the Jews" and to bestow gifts of honor to Jesus. And as we progress through the Season of Epiphany, we will explore other such "firsts" such from the calling of the disciples to his first teaching to the "transfiguration" of Jesus on the mountain. Epiphany is a season in which we are reminded that God has, and continues to reveal the presence, the inspiration and the peace of God in the world and in the lives of God's people!
Someone recently noted that Epiphany is also an acknowledgment of God's unexpected appearances in the world. If we look or listen to the Scripture lessons during the season of Epiphany we might be surprised to discover that in most of the settings, God comes to people in ways and with words that are "unexpected."As I look back on 2024, I have found and experienced that this past year was, for me, not just a "season" but a "year" of Epiphany. It certainly was not a year that I expected nor for which I was prepared. And this was certainly not anything that I had ever experienced before. While there have been many times over the years when I have "walked" with others, this was the first time that I found myself "on the other side."
From my unexpected diagnosis late in 2023 to the preparation for radiation treatments which began in early March - and then the startling death of my sister - again and again I found myself travelling down paths upon which I had never been before. And even more I faced the realization that "I" could control very little of what was unfolding.;
And yet, in the midst of all the chaos, fear, uncertainty, unknown and grief I continued to have these "glimpses" of God's presence with me. Yes, right there in the middle of all that seemed so overwhelming, so scary, so difficult again and again God's light "broke through" and reminded and reassured me that indeed God was with me - through it all!
From the "voice" I heard in the middle of the night telling me that "David, it is ok" ... to the song on the radio the day after my first doctor's appointment ("Gonna Be Alright" which has become my go-to song) ... to the encouraging words of my primary doctor, the urologist and the radiology staff from the very beginning of the journey... to the many prayers lifted and hugs received ... to the "gift certificates" and the meals delivered ... to the "peace which surrounded me" even in the procedures and in the waiting ... to the smiles and stories shared with the radiology staff ... to the "ringing of the bell" at the completion of the radiation treatments ... to the rediscovery of a Christmas card and note that my sister had sent only a few weeks before she passed ... the sharing of photos and stories ... to the choice of music played during radiation treatments ... all of them, and all of you, were "glimpses" of God being with me and for me. Thanks be to God! And thanks be to each you!
In the past year I have learned (or re-learned) three very important lesson1.) I could have never come through this past year on my own - and,
thanks be to God I did not have to! My family, you the church community, my friends and most importantly God have been there with me and for me. I am so grateful for the many "epiphanies" I experienced, discovered or were given. And also find myself very humbled.
2.) I have learned to look for God - even in the most unexpected places, such as an illness and the death of a loved one. Or perhaps, I should say it this way - I have learned that God's presence and peace continues to "shine through" all of life, even in those times and places that one might not expect. and
3.) "Waiting," while not always easy or comfortable, is essential! For me it has been in the "waiting" that I have learned again to pray that "God would make all things right, if I would only surrender" my need to be in control, to listen carefully and prayerfully for God and to have learned that "waiting" is not a punishment, but an opportunity to "walk the talk" of faith in God. "Waiting" gives us the "space" we need to listen for God in the midst of lives that are busy, distracted and overwhelmed. I believe the same lessons are those that we can carry into this new year.
That we as God's people and God's Church should always trust and believe and "live into" the promise that we do not have to get through life on our own. The gift of a God "who is with us" and the gift of a "community of faith" serve as reminders that we have a place and a people who love us - and whom we are to love and care for and support in the journey ahead.;
That we as God's people and God's Church need to constantly be on the lookout for the evidence of God's presence with us. Believe me, the evidence is there! Or here! And think for a moment - what if "we" are the "glimpse of God's presence" for others?
And that we as God's people and God's Church should not be afraid of, but should intentionally value those times of "waiting," those occasions when there is no quick or easy answer. For it may be in the "waiting" that we find the answers that God has for us - and the direction and mission to which God is leading us.
There is one more lesson for us in Epiphany - and that is that the "revelations" that God provides are always intended to lead one forward onto the path and journey ahead. These "glimpses" give us perspective - offer us encouragement - provide us direction - inspire us to hope and dream - for 2025 and beyond!
The Staff:
You are always welcome at The Portage Presbyterian Church!
Pastor: David Hankins
Financial Secretary:
Mary Gunderson
(Mary is normally in the church office on Monday mornings from 10:00-noon)
Church Secretary:
Kathy Hankins
(Kathy is in the Church Office Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)
The Portage Presbyterian Church
120 West Pleasant Street
P.O. Box 222
Portage, WI, 53901
Phone: (608) 742-6006
Support for your Portage Presbyterian Church Community through on-line giving