Miller and Miller


News & Events


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and peace!

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Annual Meeting - January 26 - in Fellowship Hall 

        We will be sharing our "Annual Congregational Meeting" on Sunday, January 26.   our "meeting and worship" will take place in the Fellowship Hall for this Sunday!
And we will have "refreshments" available!
The Annual Meeting is a time to reflect on the previous year and an opportunity to "look ahead" at the new year.
Reports from the various committees and organizations of the church will be shared - as will the 2025 Budget.
We will also be seeking "congregational members" to serve on the 2025 Nominating Committee.
Any reports to be included in the 2025 Annual Meeting Packet - will need to be turned into the Church Office no later than Tuesday, January 14.


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Looking For 'Ministry Volunteers'

We are seeking "volunteers" who would like to participate in important ministry opportunities as we move into the new year.
Volunteer opportunities include:

      • Updating the Church Sign
      • Operating the "Screens" for worship
      • Operating the "livestream" video for worship                   

            While these may sound a bit "intimidating" - those who volunteer will be provided a "training time" in preparation.
We are hoping to have enough people that we can "set up a rotation" of folks!
If you have questions - or are interested - please contact Pastor Dave soon!


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Ordination and Installation - January 5

          We begin a new year in 2025 with the Ordination and Installation of our Ruling Elders and Deacons - during worship on Sunday, January 7.
Our Ruling Elders to be installed are John Crammond and Jean Oren. 
Our Deacon to be ordained is Alex Harvey. Our Deacon to be installed is Debby Capener.
We are grateful for those who have faithfully served: Ruling Elders Rhys Brenner, Lee Roundy, Alex Harvey and Larry Day - and Deacons Tammy Foster, Lynne Warren and Glenda Day.

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: A Big THANK YOU - 'Readers' during Advent

A note of appreciation for those who served as "readers" during our recent Advent Season. "Thank you" for participating in the worship and ministry of PPC during this special time of the year. You helped to provide a "place" and a "space" of worship for all!
"Thank you"
Harlan Buchanan - Debby Capener - Peggy Alf - Fred Taylor
Nicky Cross - Kathy Hankins


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: A 'Thank You' for the 'Barn Service!

Thank you to the Heinze Family for once again hosting the annual "Christmas Worship in a Barn" worship experience. And, of course, a note of gratitude to the rooster, chickens, cats and kittens and cows who allowed us to invade their "space." Also the hot cider and cookies were appreciated by all in attendance.
The Heinze family has hosted this worship service for many years - and we do appreciate their willingness to provide a "place" for this unique and inspirational service.
We also are grateful for Fred and Judy Taylor, who once again portrayed Joseph and Mary as a part of this service.

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: 'Special Music' - Thank You! 

A special "Thank You" to all who provided "special music" during Advent and Christmas.           
Your participation helped to provide joyous and inspirational worship experiences for all who shared with us.
"Thank You"
Nancy Beasley - Lee Roundy - Evie Roundy - PPC Handbell Choir

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: 'UN - Decorating' The Church - January 11

We will be "UN-decorating the Church" - on Saturday, January 11 - beginning @ 9:00 a.m.
All ages and skill levels are encouraged to come to help get everything packed away.
Hope to see you there!


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Upcoming Worship Services 

Sunday, January 5 - "Traditional" Worship Service - 10:05 a.m.
The Second Sunday of Christmas - "Epiphany Sunday"
Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons
We will share the "Lord's Supper" during the service.

Sunday, January 12 - "Traditional" Worship Service - 10:05 a.m.
The "Baptism of the Lord" Sunday
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Sunday, January 19 - "Informal"Worship Service - 10:05 a.m.
The Second Sunday of Epiphany
John 2:1-11

Sunday, January 26 - "Annual Meeting" Worship / Meeting - 10:05 a.m
The Third Sunday of Epiphany
Meeting in the Fellowship Hall (for this Sunday)

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: PPC's Sunday Worship - also on 'YouTube' 

Here's "another option" for "online" worship experiences!
You can go to the PPC "YouTube" Channel!

                                                Here's the "web" information -                                                 

The videos on "YouTube" are not live streamed -
they are added to the PPC YouTube Channel during the following week.

Text Box: IF you would like to receive the 'weekly worship materials' -        the Sunday Worship Bulletin & Children's Bulletin -     by email- please contact Pastor Dave.      



         Thanks to all who supported the Women's Associations "Holiday House" on December 7th.  We appreciate all that you do to help us contribute to our various organizations in our community. 
Our next meeting will be on Saturday, February 8th   9:00 a.m. - @ 1873 Grille (downtown).  Come and join us for breakfast.

         Our popular Mission Chicken Soup Mix is always available for purchase on Sundays in the sanctuary, in the church office during open hours, or by contacting Glenda Day. If you've never tried it, give it a try. You won't be disappointed!

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: From the 'Deacons'	 from the Deacons                       

            Just a reminder - all "loose offerings" (coins and cash) - on "Communion Sundays" - will be given to the Deacons to help support their ministries to and through this church
The next meeting of the Deacons will be on Sunday, January 19 - following worship!

            Upcoming dates for "Stocking Shelves @ the Food Pantry" will be Wednesday, January 15  and  by the Bellmore Family on Wednesday, January 22 .
We usually begin @ 4:00 p.m. Volunteers are always welcome to come and help this community resource provide a necessary program for those in need in our community. Please contact Pastor Dave if you are planning to come and help, in case there is a change in the schedule. Come and help make a difference in the community!

Just a reminder - there is a "Little Food Pantry" in front of Westminster Center.  Anyone can place items in this box - and we receive donations from PPC folks as well as those from the community..Please feel free to provide dry goods and non perishables not affected by the temperature.


New Directions 4-H club is a very active group of young people from the area that meet together to share ideas, work on projects and learn great leadership skills.
The New Directions 4-H club meets @ PPC on the 3rd Sunday of each month, beginning @ 4:00 p.m.
PPC is pleased to be able to support the efforts of 4-H and the New Directions Club by offering a meeting space and support for their good work.
Jen Martens serves as the advisor for the New Directions Club.


The Scouts have some fun and exciting things planned!
Plans are being made for "upcoming events and activities" such as

  • "Winter Adventures"
  • Pinewood Derby
  • "Crossover" for Webelos


As you can see - the Cub Scouts Pack and Scout Troop are busy  - all Year Around!

Be sure to keep the Scouts and their leaders in your prayers!


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Important 'Information and Activities' Around Portage Community 


          "Kwik Trip" Car Wash Cards are still available!
For $36.00 / card, you will receive 5 "Ultimate" car washes (normally a cost of $50.00)
If you would like to purchase a "Kwik Trip Car Wash Card" - contact Pastor Dave.


To Contact The Portage Presbyterian Church
Phone: 608-742-6006
Church Office email:
Pastor Dave email:
Facebook Page:
YouTube Channel:

It is "easy" to make a "financial" offering
for the work and ministry here @ Portage Presbyterian Church

You may choose to .... Mail it to the Church Office

or Drop it in the "mail slot"  

or Use the "online giving" option on "PPC's Website"

or scan the "QR Code" which will take you to the "Online Giving" Portal

Your financial support for the work and ministry of God in and through the Portage Presbyterian Church  is greatly appreciated!

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: PPC's Church Officers - 2025 


Serving God and God's People
With "Energy, Intelligence, Imagination and Love"

Ruling Elders / Session
Moderator - Pastor Dave Hankins
Clerk of Session - Alex Harvey

Alex Harvey (2024)
Rhys Brenner (2024)
Lee Roundy (2024)

Larry Day (2025)
Jarrett Foster (2025)
Nancy Schaper (2025)

Tara Bandekow (2026)
Nancy Beasley (2026)
Kathy Raimer (2026)

Moderator of Deacons - Peggy Alf-Sechtig
Secretary - Liz Bellmore
Treasurer - Joyce Meredith

Tammy Foster (2024)
Lynne Warren (2024)

Peggy Alf (2025)
Joyce Meredith (2025)
Liz Bellmore (2025)

Glenda Day (2026)
Vickie Kastner (2026)
Joyce Oehlhof (2026)

Our Office

You are always welcome at The Portage Presbyterian Church!

The Staff:
Pastor: David Hankins

Financial Secretary:
Mary Gunderson
(Mary is normally in the church office on Monday mornings from 10:00-noon)
Church Secretary:
Kathy Hankins
(Kathy is in the Church Office Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)

The Portage Presbyterian Church
120 West Pleasant Street
P.O. Box 222
Portage, WI, 53901
Phone: (608) 742-6006

Support for your Portage Presbyterian Church Community through on-line giving
Give now button

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A warm, inviting community of believers who offer times and spaces of sanctuary, compassion, worship, fellowship and peace