Miller and Miller


News & Events


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and peace!

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Summer Worship Schedule           

We continue our "Summer Worship Schedule" through Sunday, Sept 1
Sunday Morning Worship is @ 9:30 a.m.
The "first and second Sundays" - we will be in the Sanctuary
The "third and fourth Sundays" - we will gather in the Parking Lot
BYOC - "bring your own chairs" (weather permitting)

Our Annual "Worship @ The Fair" Service
will be held on Sunday, July 28 - beginning @ 9:30 a.m.
We will be gathering in the "Entertainment Tent."
You are encouraged to bring your own comfortable chair - and there will be seating at picnic tables too!
Invite your friends, neighbors, family members (and even strangers) to come and worship!
This year's service is being organized by Bethlehem Lutheran Church and Portage Presbyterian Church

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: 'Pies' Needed for Concerts @ VFW

Everyone is waiting!  .... Our "reputation" is on the line!
We need those great "Presbyterian Pies" for the July 24 "Concert @ the VFW."
The Events Committee will once again be providing "those famous Presbyterian Pies!"

Any kind of pie is OK - but take into account the warmer weather.

If possible please have your pies in disposable pie pans.

If you would rather not bake, but want to participate -
you can donate money to help purchase pies.

All pies should be at the Church no later than Wednesday, July 24 - @ Noon.

Please contact Nancy Schaper with questions or pie donations!

                                                            Thanks! - The Events Committee

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: 'Summer Book Study' Is Postponed Until 'Fall'     


We had talked about having a "Book Study" this summer -
but unfortunately schedules just did not work out!

So, we will be looking to share this "Book Study" in the Fall -
watch your newsletter and bulletin for further information.

"When Church Stops Working"
"A future for your church beyond more money, programs and innovation"

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Confirmation This Fall? 

Young people who are entering into the 7th grade or older beginning this Fall - are invited to share in the "Confirmation Experience" here @ PPC.
We do not have a "set day" for the classes, as the Confirmation "experiences" (classes) will meet on a day that is agreeable to everyone's schedules.
            If you are interested - or would like more information, please contact Pastor Dave!


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Upcoming Worship Services 

Sunday, July 7 - "Traditional" Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. - Sanctuary
The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Mark 6:1-13
We will share the "Lord's Supper" during the service.

Sunday, July 14 - "Traditional" Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. - Sanctuary
The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Mark 6:14-29

Sunday, July 21 - "Informal" Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. - Parking Lot
The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Sunday, June 28 - "Traditional" Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. - Fairgrounds
The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
A Worship Service shared with Bethlehem Lutheran and PPC

Sunday, August 4 - "Traditional" Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. - Sanctuary
The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
John 6:24-35
We will share the "Lord's Supper" during the service.

Text Box: IF you would like to receive the 'weekly worship materials' -        the Sunday Worship Bulletin & Children's Bulletin -     by email- please contact Pastor Dave.


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Another 'Special' Worship Experience Coming In August 

            On Sunday, August 18 - PPC will be joining with other Presbyterian Churches in the area for a "Worship in the Park" at Tarrant Park in Cambria - beginning @ 10:00 a.m.
This "worship and fellowship" opportunity is being organized by the Rosedale Presbyterian Church.
Please bring your own lawn chair if you like - and a "dish to pass" - your own beverage and tableware.

If you are planning to attend this "worship and fellowship" time -
please contact the Church Office and let us know by August 9 - because we need to let Rosedale Church know (in order to have enough burgers and brats for everyone)!

For those who would be interested in "providing rides" for others -
OR for those who would like "to catch a ride" -
please contact the Church Office -
we will try to help "riders and drivers" find each other!


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Sunday Morning 'Video' Volunteers 

If you have watched PPC's "livestream" Sunday worship videos - you have experienced the great job that Judy, Elaine, John & Sarah (PPC's volunteer "videographers") have done.
And we would like to have a few more trained!!!

            If you have questions about doing the video, please contact Pastor Dave or any of those who have been trained.
If you would like to be a part of this worship ministry, please contact Pastor Dave.


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Sunday Morning 'Screen' Volunteers.

            In addition to our "Livestream" Video opportunities on Sunday mornings, we are also seeking "volunteers" who may be interested in operating the "projection screens" we use on Sundays.
You will be "trained" to use the computer which enables the screens to be used.
If this is something in which you may be interested (or would like more information) - please contact Pastor Dave.


Just a note - The Women's Association will not be meeting during the summer. 

The next meeting of the Women's Association will be Saturday, September 7th!


          Dear Pastor Dave,
On behalf of the entire Portage Gideon Camp, I would like to thank you and your congregation for allowing me to speak during your worship service (on May 26) and for the very generous offering of $508.00. We will be able to provide approximately 78 Bibles or 408 Pocket Testaments for distribution in 200 countries and in over 100 languages.
The offering is evidence of what we consider to be a partnership between the Church and the Gideons International in providing God's Word to a lost world. We are actively working as an extended missionary arm for our supporting churches. Please know that these funds will be used in their entirety to provide Scriptures in the traffic lanes of life.
I thoroughly enjoyed worshipping with your congregation and visiting with them as well. It was great singing all of those familiar hymns. We pray that you continue to enjoy God's abundant blessings for you and your families in the days to come.
Your brother in Christ, Paul Knutson


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: From the 'Deacons'from the Deacons

The Deacons will be hosting an "almost done with summer" fellowship after worship on Sunday, August 25.  Come and enjoy a "good old fashioned root beer float" with them. 

Just a reminder - all "loose offerings" (coins and cash) - on "Communion Sundays" - will be given to the Deacons to help support their ministries to and through this church

            PPC has been "volunteering" to "stock the shelves" at the Food Pantry on the 3rd Wednesday of each month -
And now, "BREAKING NEWS" - PPC has also been asked to "stock shelves" on the 4th Wednesday of each month too!

            Upcoming dates for "the food pantry" will be Wednesday, July 17 and Wednesday, July 24. We usually begin @ 5:00 p.m. Volunteers are always welcome to come and help this community resource provide a necessary program for those in need in our
community. Please contact Pastor Dave if you are planning to come and help, in case there is a change in the schedule. Come and help make a difference in the community!

Just a reminder - there is a "Little Food Pantry" in front of Westminster Center.  Anyone can place items in this box - and we receive donations from PPC folks as well as those from the community..
If you would like to make donations to the "Little Food Pantry" please feel free to provide dry goods and non perishables not affected by the temperature.


New Directions 4-H club is a very active group of young people from the area that meet together to share ideas, work on projects and learn great leadership skills.
The New Directions 4-H club meets @ PPC on the 3rd Sunday of each month, beginning @ 4:00 p.m.
PPC is pleased to be able to support the efforts of 4-H and the New Directions Club by offering a meeting space and support for their good work.
Jen Martens serves as the advisor for the New Directions Club.

Troops headed to Summer Camp!
Some exciting and fun experiences happening with PPC's Scout Units!
Be sure to keep the Scouts and their leaders in your prayers!

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Important 'Information and Activities' Around Portage Community 

The Portage "Sharing Supper" is back -
The June 24th Sharing Supper was cancelled due to the "road construction" on East Slifer Street (in front of the Middle School).

Stay tuned to updates about the "next" Sharing Supper!


The Summer of 2024 marks the 11th year that nutritional Summer Lunches have been made available for area young people 18 years old and younger. Summer Lunches will be served through August 30.

            Summer Lunches will be served at the following locations and times:
Goodyear Park / Splash Pad .................. 11:05-11:30 a.m.
Portage Library .......................................   11:15-11:45 a.m.
Lincoln Park  .............................................   11:40-Noon
Sanborn Park ............................................ 12:15-12:35 p.m.

If you would like to volunteer, please use the following link to sign up!
If you have questions, please contact Pastor Dave! Thank you!
          "Kwik Trip" Car Wash Cards are still available!
For $36.00 / card, you will receive 5 -
yes, that's right - 5 "Ultimate" car washes (normally a cost of $50.00)
If you would like to purchase a "Kwik Trip Car Wash Card" - contact Pastor Dave.
It is "easy" to make a "financial" offering
for the work and ministry here @ Portage Presbyterian Church

You may choose to .... Mail it to the Church Office

or Drop it in the "mail slot"  

or Use the "online giving" option on "PPC's Website"

or scan the "QR Code" which will take you to the "Online Giving" Portal


Your financial support for the work and ministry of God in and through the Portage Presbyterian Church  is greatly appreciated!

"Together" - we continue to share God's "Good News" in many ways
and YOU are helping to make this possible!

To Contact The Portage Presbyterian Church
Phone: 608-742-6006
Church Office email:
Pastor Dave email:
Facebook Page:


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: PPC's Church Officers 

Serving God and God's People
With "Energy, Intelligence, Imagination and Love"

Ruling Elders / Session
Moderator - Pastor Dave Hankins
Clerk of Session - Alex Harvey

Alex Harvey (2024)
Rhys Brenner (2024)
Lee Roundy (2024)

Larry Day (2025)
Jarrett Foster (2025)
Nancy Schaper (2025)

Tara Bandekow (2026)
Nancy Beasley (2026)
Kathy Raimer (2026)

Moderator of Deacons - Peggy Alf-Sechtig
Secretary - Liz Bellmore
Treasurer - Joyce Meredith

Tammy Foster (2024)
Lynne Warren (2024)

Peggy Alf (2025)
Joyce Meredith (2025)
Liz Bellmore (2025)

Glenda Day (2026)
Vickie Kastner (2026)
Joyce Oehlhof (2026)

Our Office

You are always welcome at The Portage Presbyterian Church!

The Staff:
Pastor: David Hankins

Financial Secretary:
Mary Gunderson
(Mary is normally in the church office on Monday mornings from 10:00-noon)
Church Secretary:
Kathy Hankins
(Kathy is in the Church Office Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)

The Portage Presbyterian Church
120 West Pleasant Street
P.O. Box 222
Portage, WI, 53901
Phone: (608) 742-6006

Support for your Portage Presbyterian Church Community through on-line giving
Give now button

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A warm, inviting community of believers who offer times and spaces of sanctuary, compassion, worship, fellowship and peace