40 years! That seems like such a "long time!" And I am correct - it is, indeed, a long time.
On Sunday, June 11, the Portage Presbyterian Women's Association "surprised" me with a beautiful commemorative "picture blanket" which included photos of "places" which have been important part of my life for more than 40 years.
Each of these "places" have been a part of my journey: starting with my "home church" in Reedsburg, Main Hall at Carroll College (University now), the Chapel on the University of Dubuque Campus, the United Church of Muscoda and PPC.
But even more important than "the places," are the "faces" of those that I recall who were in those "places" and who played a role in my learning, my growth, my perspectives, my development and my faith.
I am very grateful for those who, each in their own way, helped guide, support, critique, suggest and inspire me along this journey.
But what I am discovering, is that "40 years" is really not about "age" - but, is more "about the journey."
40 years! You may recognize that the number "40" in the Scriptures is a significant one. "40" is often associated with an experience of learning, growth, struggle - and above all the realization that one is not alone - that God is with one - that God is at work in the midst of it all - and that God is leading one to where they need to be.
- "40" years of the Exodus.
- "40" days of Noah and his family adrift on the ark.
- "40" days of Jesus in the wilderness, after his baptism and before he begins his ministry.
- "40" days of Jesus being with his disciples following His resurrection.
All significant and meaningful "journeys" and "experiences" in their lives - and in the lives of those around them.
So, as I reflect on these last "40" years, for me, of being an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church USA - I have discovered, and perhaps "re-discovered," that these have been, first and foremost, years in which I knew (and sometimes needed to be reminded) that I was not alone - whether through the Scripture, singing the music of the faith, on a mission trip, in meetings and gatherings, the awesome displays of nature, a card or message or an unexpected gift - God has continued to provide "proof" that God has been and continues to be with me, that God is still at work (I am not a finished product) and that God has and will continue to lead me where God needs me to be. These "40" years are truly a testament to God's provision, God's peace, God's presence and God's sense of humor.
And I hope (and pray) that God has in some way, over these "40" years also provided hope and peace and comfort and laughter and joy and community through me for those around me - whether my family, those church communities of which I have been and continue to be a part, pastors and Sunday School teachers, those who I have been blessed to know as colleagues and friends, classmates and fellow learners, band mates, fellow scouts and leaders, those with whom I have struggled and disagreed, those with whom I have served on community activities and programs, teachers and instructors, those who I have just met in passing.
Above all, I hope and pray humbly that "in me, through me, with me and especially in spite of me" you may have had an opportunity to experience a glimpse of God's Kingdom - and the wonderful good news that God loves you - me - the whole world! For that is what I have experienced - "through God and through YOU!"
Yes, what I am discovering, is that "40 years" is really not about "age" - but, is more "about the journey" - AND those with whom one shares the "journey."
So, wherever - however - whenever - we have shared this "journey" - "thank you!"
Yes, "40" years IS a long time. And it would never have been the same - without YOU!
Peace, Pastor Dave
The Staff:
You are always welcome at The Portage Presbyterian Church!
Pastor: David Hankins
Financial Secretary:
Mary Gunderson
(Mary is normally in the church office on Monday mornings from 10:00-noon)
Church Secretary:
Kathy Hankins
(Kathy is in the Church Office Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)
The Portage Presbyterian Church
120 West Pleasant Street
P.O. Box 222
Portage, WI, 53901
Phone: (608) 742-6006
E-mail: office@portagepresbyterian.com
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